Why Instagram Reels Are So Important Right Now

Kyle J. Maxwell
2 min readAug 20, 2020


I’m sure if you’re reading this article, and been on social media for the past two weeks, you’ve heard about Instagrams latest product: Instagram Reels. In this article, you’ll learn what they are, but most importantly why they’re so darn important..for right now.

What are Instagram Reels?

In the beginning of July, there had been rumors about a possible “TikTok” style-feature for Instagram. Instagram Reels. Reels are quick, 15 sec. pieces of micro content that allow creators to make fun videos to their favorite song, or sound aka “Original Audio”.

Reels are basically TikTok & Triller videos but on Instagram, which is why there are so important, right now. This is what they look like :

Why are they so important-Right now ?

Simple — because it’s NEW & has EVERYONE’S ATTENTION.

Anytime when there’s a new platform or feature, the land grab for content creation, brand equity & organic reach is always always always at AN ALL TIME HIGH.

Meaning, there’s more people consuming content, than making content. This effect creates an enormous growth in organic reach ( something that Instagrams been struggling with for a very long time) making it significantly easier for your followers to actually see your content.

How can I use Reels for my brand / business?

Reels can be extremely effective if used properly. Aside from the normal feed, story posts, live, etc. Reels adds another “flavor” of content creation. Being so much like TikTok, one of the biggest apps in the world today, it brings an already popular dynamic into a mature platform.

Making short, funny clips perhaps showing teens using your products, or if you own a clothing brand you could use a popular sound to a well known song, do some corny dances, it’s really basic & not to be overthought.

Will Instagram Reels last?

Wrong question. The point is that they are here now, and have ungodly amounts of free organic reach that you’d normally have to put hundreds or even thousands of dollars behind to even match.

If you’re a marketer, social media manager, an entrepreneur, it’s super super important you understand one simple equation:

A lot of Eye Balls = $X ^2

Thank you for reading <3



Kyle J. Maxwell

Business Consultant. Philosopher. Aspiring Cognitive Psychologist & Author. CEO of VivoMedia & The VIVO Group. Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Brake.